Bunchberry. Photo © Bruce Thacker

Kam Valley Reserve

Meet at the Movati Athletic Club Parking Lot 1185 Arthur Street W, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada

The Kam Valley Reserve is located near Stanley, about 20 minutes from the city. There is some room for parking nearby. Access to the Whitefish River and the south part of the reserve is through the bush about 100 metres. The shoreline on the Whitefish R. extends about 500 m. east/west.


Fall Roundup Birds – 2020 Edition

This year’s fall roundup of birds will be held on Saturday, November 7. Individuals and groups are asked to set their own birding routes and report their findings to NWO Birds. You may choose to count birds at your feeder from the comfort of your home, go for a drive, take a hike, or any combination of methods.


Cancelled – Nature’s Evening Choristers

Mills Block Forest 1M2, 605 Community Hall Road, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada

Join George Holborn as he guides us in the Mills Block Forest listening to the evening sounds of nature (Juniors are welcome).
