White-winged Crossbill. Photo © Mike Lawrence

Emergency Contact

TBFN Participant Emergency Information Form


Please complete a separate form for each youth participant. Please keep a copy of your completed form for reference.

Allergies: *

Please list any other medical conditions that event leaders should be aware of:

Please fill in the table below with any medications the participant takes regularly:

Types of medication include: Injector, Inhaler, Pills/Capsules, etc.
Where Kept: e.g. Jacket pocket, Backpack, etc..

This information is used to help the event leader find the medication in case of an emergency.

Are there any accommodations this individual requires to participate in events? *

Emergency Contacts:

Primary Contact:

Secondary Contact:

In case the person above cannot be reached.

Is another participant emergency registration form required? (Select "Yes" if there is another participant who requires completion of this form) *