Vascular Plant Checklist
The first Checklist of Vascular Plants of Thunder Bay District was prepared in 1968 by Walter Hartley under the direction of Douglas R. Lindsay for the Lakehead University meeting of the Canadian Botanical Association. It was revised ten years later by William H. Parker, and in 1984 Claude Garton and other members of the Thunder Bay Field Naturalists further revised it and added common names to make it more accessible to amateur botanists. Subsequent revisions were published in 1993,1998, 2003, and 2015. The latest edition, published in 2021, is spiral bound, 60 pages in length, and includes many major revisions.
The 2021 edition of the Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Thunder Bay District, Ontario is an update to the 2015 edition. It follows the Database of Vascular Plants of Canada VASCAN (Brouillet et al. 2010+) for scientific names, common names, authorities, and native/introduced status.
The 2021 edition lists a total of 1,293 species of 125 families that have been recorded for the Thunder Bay District. 130 species are considered provincially rare (S1-S3 ranked by OMNRF’s Natural Heritage Information Centre), and 14 are Great Lakes Tracked Species. A total of 300 species are considered regionally rare and there are 69 arctic-alpine disjuncts.
Copies of the checklist are available by mail in order or digital download on our website store. For print copies, send a cheque for $14 ($10 for the checklist + $4 for shipping) payable to Thunder Bay Field Naturalists Club (includes shipping) along with your return shipping address to:
Plant Checklist
TBFN Nature Reserves
131 – 1100 Memorial Avenue
Thunder Bay, Ontario
P7B 4A3
For a digital download, visit our website store here: to purchase a copy at $10.