Nature Northwest Newsletter
Nature Northwest is a publication of the Thunder Bay Field Naturalists. The first newsletter, produced on a typewriter, came out in January 1947. Most of the newsletter issues from that first one to the present day have now been uploaded to our website (see below).
This digital record of the TBFN’s history for seven decades represents a valuable resource for researchers of the area’s natural history and persons interested in the club’s history.
Each volume of Nature Northwest (ISSN 0836-4702) currently consists of four issues published in February, May, August, and November. A subscription to Nature Northwest is a benefit of TBFN membership.
Articles, notes, records, book reviews, illustrations and photographs of local and regional natural history are welcome. Please feel free to contact the editor in advance regarding possible submissions. Material accepted is subject to editing and revision. Nature Northwest is intended to be informative and thought provoking. Therefore, views expressed in Nature Northwest are not necessarily those of the Thunder Bay Field Naturalists nor the Editor.
Club members are encouraged to send club events, stories, trip reviews, articles, pictures, and observations. Your ideas and suggestions are welcome. Address all submissions to the editor.
Please do not copy Newsletter material without expressed consent of the original author. If you find a problem with one of the issues below please report it in detail (issue name, e.g., May 1975, page number and nature of the problem) to the webmaster. Thank you.
Deadline for submissions is the first day of the month in which the issue will be published.
February issue…….………February 1st
May issue…………………….May 1st
August issue………………..August 1st
November issue……..…..November 1st
Newsletter Archive
From the Membership Coordinator’s annual report for 2012: “When we distributed the November issue of Nature Northwest in 2009, we mailed out 168 and emailed 9. In November 2012, we mailed 67 and emailed 200. This is a significant change in how TBFN distributes the newsletter.”
In 2019, of the 279 newsletters, the majority (77%) of the newsletter distribution is electronic and 23% are printed and mailed out.
Note that dates in black are not available.