Other Projects
Other Projects and Programs
In addition to TBFN projects, you can also contribute to provincial, national, or continental monitoring and citizen science programs such as:
- Ontario’s Reptile and Amphibian Atlas (coordinated by Ontario Nature)
- NatureWatch programs include Frogwatch, IceWatch, PlantWatch, and WormWatch
Birds Canada and its partners carry out a range of volunteer-based monitoring programs that TBFN and its members support. These include:
- Christmas Bird Counts
- Canadian Lakes Loon Survey
- Project FeederWatch
- Project NestWatch
- Canadian Migration Monitoring Network
- Baillie Birdathon
- Marsh Monitoring Program
- Breeding Bird Atlas
- Nocturnal Owl Surveys
- Whip-poor-will Surveys
- SwiftWatch
- Great Backyard Bird Count
- Ontario Bank Swallow Project
If you would like to participate or wish more information, please see their respective websites.