Field Trip – Lichens
Landmark Inn 1010 Dawson Road, Thunder Bay, ON, CanadaCome out and enjoy the tail end of winter with a lichen field trip at Ravine Lake, Sleeping Giant Provincial […]
Bunchberry. Photo © Bruce Thacker
Come out and enjoy the tail end of winter with a lichen field trip at Ravine Lake, Sleeping Giant Provincial […]
Please join us on Monday, March 25th at 7 pm for a talk on the various projects that are affiliated with TBFN. Throughout the evening, brief presentations on club projects will be overviewed. Opportunities to speak to project leaders will be available after the presentations. Talks take place at Lunan Hall, St. Paul's United Church, 349 Waverley Street. Coffee, tea and cake will be served. The talk is free and open to the general public.
Red, orange, yellow-green, and mineral grey. Leafy, powdery, shrubby, and crusty. Lichens are both eye-catching and astoundingly diverse. This talk aims to break down lichen biology and identification for those without micro-scopes and laboratories. The region boasts and incredible diversity of unique lichens, and we will cover which boreal, temperate, tropical, and arctic-alpine species you might get a chance to see while out exploring.
*Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) – Nathan Wilson will give an update on the status and recognition of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) and how to report suspected sightings of it in Thunder Bay District.
The City Nature Challenge (CNC) is an annual citizen science event that gets people outside to enjoy nature. Please join […]
Enjoy a morning of birding and nature observation with Keith Wade. Don't forget to bring your binoculars and dress for the weather. No registration required. Parent accompanied children are welcome. Meet in the LRCA Mission Marsh parking lot for this family friendly event at 8:45 a.m. The outing will go to 12:00 noon. However, participants can leave at any time for other planned activities. Parking is $5.00 per car or a current Explore Card purchased from the Lakehead Region Conservation Authority. This event will coincide with the City Nature Challenge.
This guided "family friendly" walk will take place at Mills Block Forest at 8:00 pm. We will look and listen for frogs and evening songsters. Meet at the Mills Block Forest Conservation Area parking lot. Wear waterproof footwear and warm clothing. Bring a flashlight. Contact George Holborn at 807-622-2113 to confirm. Parking is $5.00 per car or a current Explore Card purchased through the Lakehead Region Conservation Authority. Register with George at 807-622-2113.
Join us with Mirabai Alexander and James Barber for birding at Hurkett Cove. Don't forget your binoculars, and dress for the weather. Please bring snacks and a lunch if you plan to stay for the afternoon. There are some picnic tables and areas for sitting.
Meet directly at Hurkett Cove Conservation Area at 7:30 am.
Parking is free if you have an Explore Card, otherwise there is a $5.00 per car fee. Explore Cards can be purchased through the Lakehead Region Conservation Authority.
To register, contact Sandy Barro by either telephone at (807) 977-1702 or email
Join us for a relaxed morning of birding in the beautiful Slate River Valley. No experience or expertise needed. We will drive the back roads looking for some of the more common spring birds - Bobolinks, Bluebirds, Sandhill Cranes as well as a variety of warblers and sparrows. The morning will consist of roadside stops and sharing tips on bird identification by both song and appearance. We plan to finish off the morning at the Bakeshop on Boundary for a pastry (bring your own thermos of coffee or drink of preference). Dress warmly (in layers). Binoculars recommended. Limit 20 people. Meet at 8 am at the parking lot for the Neebing Roadhouse on Highway 61. Car pooling can be arranged from there. Please contact Monika at to register.
This weekend event is sponsored by the Lakehead Region Conservation Authority (LRCA). If you would like to learn more about birds or are an avid birder, this festival is one to take in.
Join us on June 30th, (weather permitting) for a butterfly excursion as we explore what butterflies are out and about. The weather is expected to be 21C and sunny, with mild wind - a perfect day for butterflying! John Walas will lead our group to an area just up on Lakeshore Drive. We will look to see if we can find the satyr comma, green comma, gray comma, the pearl crescent, Milbert's and Compton's tortoiseshells, the elfins midsummer skippers, and the tiger swallowtails.
This should be a fairly easy outing with regard to trekking and footwear as it will be drier and walking will be easier than going to Mills Block, along with a lower density of mosquitoes. However, there are trails through some forested areas as well as rock outcrops and there may be some wet areas along the trails, but we can try and walk around them. Please dress appropriately.
We will meet at the Strathcona Golf Course parking lot closest to the Hodder Avenue entrance across from Robin's Donuts.
Register directly by contacting John Walas at or call (807) 474-7633.
131 – 1100 Memorial Avenue ● Thunder Bay, Ontario ● P7B 4A3
© 2024 Thunder Bay Field Naturalists Club